Bilateral Meetings
- November 13, 2015 (01:30 pm - 03:30 pm)
- November 13, 2015 (11:00 am - 01:00 pm)

DescriptionClaxi is a mobile app service that connects passengers and drivers in some area. It unifies passengers transportation all around the globe. It has unique bidding concept where passengers can choose between offers
Organization Type
ICT companies
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2015
Email support@claxi.net
CitySkopje, ul. 11 Oktomvri 25 Google map
Areas of Activities
Software and hardware companies
ICT solutions for industry

Open for exclusive partnership in different regions and countries.
Our business concept has no liability issues because of the flat monthly fee. Partners should invest in marketing, market research and building driver network.
Cooperation Requested
- Investment/Financing